Hi I have requirement ,
I am new in Neo 4 j , I need to merge two query
Query 1= "MATCH (c:client{clientID:"+ClientID+"})<-[:OFFERED_AT]-(p:empname{empID:"+inputID+"})<-[:COST_FOR_PLAN]-(ex:expendeture)-[:COST_APPLIES_TO_BC]->(plan:plan{planID:"+inputPlanID+"}) return cs order by cs.effectiveDate desc"
Query 2= "MATCH (c:client{clientID:"+ClientID+"})<-[:FKCOLUMNS_CLIENTID_TO_CLIENTID]-(ex:expendeture{ExpenseID:<OUTPUT OF QUERY 1>})<-[:DETAILS_FOR]-(cost:rcost) where not exists(cost.IsDeleted) return tc"
Out of query 1 is list of records from which current id need to pass in second query paramater
Currently i am executed these statement separately from my application . I want to avoid then separate execution want to execute in single operation
You can connect the two statements with the WITH and UNWIND clause
In this example, 'names' and 'onename' is the parameter.
MATCH (p:Person)
WITH collect(p.name) AS names
UNWIND names AS onename
MATCH (p:Person)--(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = onename
RETURN p.name, m.title
Try this:
I split your queries for my understanding:
//Query 1......
MATCH (p:empname{empID:"+inputID+"})-[:OFFERED_AT]->(c:client{clientID:"+ClientID+"})
MATCH (ex:expendeture)-[:COST_FOR_PLAN]->(p)
MATCH (ex)-[:COST_APPLIES_TO_BC]->(plan:plan{planID:"+inputPlanID+"})
WITH c, ex order by ex.effectiveDate desc
WITH COLLECT(ex) as ex1, c
UNWIND ex1 as ex11
//Query 2...........
MATCH (cost:rcost)-[:DETAILS_FOR]->(ex11)
WHERE NOT EXISTS(cost.IsDeleted)
RETURN ex11, c, cost
Your RETURN variables cs and tc not defined. Check and see if this works!