Hello people,
I have maybe silly question but regardless..
The query is the following:
MATCH (c:Category)<-[:CATEGORY_PERMISSION]-(p:Permission)
RETURN p, p2
I get category and its permissions, then I get children of the category and its permissions.
I want to merge them together when returning and only get distinct values so I have all permissions flattened.
If you have apoc plugin installed this is a simple task
MATCH (c:Category)<-[:CATEGORY_PERMISSION]-(p:Permission)
WITH collect(p) as firstList, collect(p2) as secondlist
WITH apoc.coll.union(firstList, secondlist) as permissions
UNWIND permissions as permission
RETURN permission
Here I am using unwind to make sure you get permission object as return entity rather than a list.
If you can handle the list you can return the permissions value itself.