Mutiple CALL statements

Hello everyone, I'm in trouble when trying to use multiple CALL statements in neo4j. The problem is when the first CALL statement returns null value, the following CALL statement don't execute. Does anyone know how to solve this. I appreciate for any help. Thank you!


CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes('person_name', 'name that doesn't exist in database') YIELD node

CALL apoc.when(false,

'CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("person_name", "ronaldo") YIELD node as entity, score RETURN entity.person_name as person_name, entity.description as description LIMIT 5',

'CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("person_name", "messi") YIELD node as entity, score RETURN entity.person_name as person_name, entity.description as description LIMIT 5',

{node: node})

YIELD value

RETURN value.person_name as person_name, value.description as description