Multi-tenancy in Aura

We have an application that has customers that number more than 1000. We are looking at Neo4J for graph use cases.

What is the best way to implement multi-tenancy in Aura DB?
I read in a few threads that Aura does not support multi-databases; having database isolation per customer would be very desirable.

Does Aura DB offer any alternatives? If so what would they be?

We would like to choose between Neo4J self managed and aura and this would help us make the right call.


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Are you working with a Neo4j Account Executive / Sales Engineer

Correct Aura does not have multi tenancy today.
However even if you go with a local on premise install and if the goal is 1000+ databases this might become a bit laborsome. i.e. the operational aspect of such ( i.e. backing up all 1000 databases, creating users/grants for each etc ).