I have an EC2 instance running an Enterprise Edition (3.5.3) standalone based on this image ami-0a366ea274e2488ee .
Today I resumed my online studies, and at the 3rd exercise, I should be able to make a dump from a database, delete the current one and create a new database from the dump file. Piece of cake!
After following all instructions I figured out that neo4j failed to replace graph.db with movie.db. As soon as the service was restarted, the graph.db was restored and now both exist in the databases folder, as follows.
BEFORE start service:
AFTER start service:
All changes I made in neo4j.conf (dbms.active_database=movie.db) were completely ripped out.
This 2nd exercise was done twice, both got the same results ( I thought I've made something wrong the 1st time).
And now I don't know what is wrong and why neo4j didn't recognize movie.db as the current database.
Please help (again).
Best regards,