Labels, Relationship Types, and Property Keys Not Consistently Displayed

I am experiencing an issue in the Neo4j Browser where the labels, relationship types, and property keys on the right-hand side panel are not consistently displayed. Sometimes they appear as expected, but other times they are either missing or disabled.

Here is what I have observed:

  1. I have written a code in which i am creating nodes and relationships in Scala language in spark job.
  2. After running the query, I expect the labels, relationship types, and property keys to update in the right-hand panel.
  3. However, the behavior is inconsistent. Sometimes the panel updates correctly, and other times it does not show the expected information or appears disabled.

I am unsure if this is a bug, a configuration issue, or something related to my query or data.

Sometimes these are 22000+ nodes

And sometimes these are 5000 something. really weird.

This command should return each of the nodes per label:

CALL db.labels() YIELD label
RETURN label, count { (n) WHERE label IN labels(n) } AS nodeCount
ORDER BY nodeCount DESC;

You should always get the count if you've not changed the database.

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Okay Thanks @joshcornejo

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