Neo4j browser graph visualization with wrong relationships

Hi there, i'm using docker neo4j, version 4.4.9.

my problem is, neo4j browser Graph type visualization renders different result compared to Table or Text type results.

my query is,

MATCH (i:Item)-[c:COMPLEMENT]->(i2:Item)
WHERE c.comp_rnk = 1
RETURN i, c, i2 LIMIT 10

to find nodes and relationships with relationship property comp_rnk with 1
comp_rnk type is Integer, i chekced.
the result in Table and Text type is correct with 10 relationships with nodes.
But the graph type renders below, which has both way direction relationships with comp_rnk with 1 and others.


is my query wrong? or is it just neo4j browser error? wish somebody helps this out

Thank you, it works! Awesome Cobra

Hello @jinner :grinning:

Just go in the browser settings, then uncheck the option: Connect result nodes.
