I think this is it. I show the result for the test data, where the data is the exact same for each month. You can see each years starts with the January total and the output is the same for each year, which is should since the sales are identical for the test data.
with [[date('2019-01-01'),10],[date('2019-01-01'),10],[date('2019-02-01'),10],[date('2019-02-01'),10],[date('2019-02-01'),10],[date('2019-03-01'),10],[date('2019-03-01'),10],[date('2019-03-01'),10],[date('2019-04-01'),10],[date('2019-05-01'),10],[date('2019-06-01'),10],[date('2019-06-01'),10],[date('2019-07-01'),10],[date('2019-07-01'),10],[date('2019-08-01'),10],[date('2019-08-01'),10],[date('2019-09-01'),10],[date('2019-10-01'),10],[date('2019-10-01'),10],[date('2019-11-01'),10],[date('2019-11-01'),10],[date('2019-11-01'),10],[date('2019-12-01'),10],
[date('2021-01-01'),10],[date('2021-01-01'),10],[date('2021-02-01'),10],[date('2021-02-01'),10],[date('2021-02-01'),10],[date('2021-03-01'),10],[date('2021-03-01'),10],[date('2021-03-01'),10],[date('2021-04-01'),10],[date('2021-05-01'),10],[date('2021-06-01'),10],[date('2021-06-01'),10],[date('2021-07-01'),10],[date('2021-07-01'),10],[date('2021-08-01'),10],[date('2021-08-01'),10],[date('2021-09-01'),10],[date('2021-10-01'),10],[date('2021-10-01'),10],[date('2021-11-01'),10],[date('2021-11-01'),10],[date('2021-11-01'),10],[date('2021-12-01'),10]] as monthlyStats
unwind monthlyStats as stat
WITH stat[0].month AS month, stat[0].year AS year, sum(stat[1]) AS quantity
ORDER BY date({year: year, month: month}) ASC
WITH year, collect({month: month, quantity: quantity}) as monthlyStats
UNWIND range(1, 12) as month
WITH year, month, reduce(s=0, x in [i in monthlyStats where i.month <= month | i.quantity] | s + x) as monthTotal
WITH month, collect({year: year, sum: monthTotal}) as monthlyTotals
RETURN month as Month,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2019 | i.sum ][0] as `2019`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2020 | i.sum ][0] as `2020`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2021 | i.sum ][0] as `2021`
Adapting it to your query, this should work:
MATCH (q:Quantity)<-[:HAS_QUANTITY]-(sh:Shipment)-[:ON_ORDER]->(s:Sales)-[:FOR_CONTRACTED]->(a:Account{name: $neodash_account_name})
WHERE EXISTS((s)-[:HAS_ENTRY]->(:OrderEntry)-[:HAS_LINE]->(:OrderLine)-[:HAS_PRODUCT_ORIGIN]->(:ProductOrigin)-[:HAS_PRODUCT]->(:Product)-[:HAS_PRODUCT_TYPE]->(:ProductType{name: $neodash_producttype_name}))
WITH sh.shippedDate.month AS month, sh.shippedDate.year AS year, sum(q.quantity) AS quantity
ORDER BY date({year: year, month: month}) ASC
WITH year, collect({month: month, quantity: quantity}) as monthlyStats
UNWIND range(1, 12) as month
WITH year, month, reduce(s=0, x in [i in monthlyStats where i.month <= month | i.quantity] | s + x) as monthTotal
WITH month, collect({year: year, sum: monthTotal}) as monthlyTotals
RETURN month as Month,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2019 | i.sum ][0] as `2019`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2020 | i.sum ][0] as `2020`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2021 | i.sum ][0] as `2021`
BTW- the query does not limit itself to only the years 2019-2021. Only the output is limited to those years due to selecting only those years in lines 10-12. If you data goes back further in years, the query is calculating those years but not using the totals. You can add a predicate to the 'where' clause on line 2 to to restrict the years to only those needed for the report.
You can also easily add or remove specific years for your report by adding/removing years on lines 10-12. For instance, to add 2022, just add a line for it as follows:
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2019 | i.sum ][0] as `2019`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2020 | i.sum ][0] as `2020`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2021 | i.sum ][0] as `2021`,
[i in monthlyTotals where i.year = 2022 | i.sum ][0] as `2022`