I am trying to fetch date-wise running total of member counts.
The relationships in data base are like this
(city:City) //has name property
(c:Club) // has name property
name:"XYZ", //string
joinDate: date}) // in_datetime_format
So if the member count is as shown below I want to generate the running total
I wrote this query to use REDUCE function in neo4j. I only wanted the day column and running_total_column
with p.joinDate as jd, collect(count(*)) as dateColl
return distinct(date(jd)) as day, reduce(cons = 0, i in dateColl | i+ cons) as memberCount
But it gave the following error
Can't use aggregate functions inside of aggregate functions. (line 13, column 36 (offset: 401))
" with p.joinDate as jd, collect(count(*)) as dateColl"
What am I doing wrong? What do I need to change in my Query?
i want to get the running total, this query you have suggested only produces member count of a particular day. in your suggested query, is there any way I can collect the memberCount values in a list, so that I can use that list with reduce function in the return statement
MATCH (city:City {name: "city_name"})-[:Has_Club]->(club:Club {name: "clubName"})-[:Has_Member]->(p:Person)
RETURN date(p.joinDate) AS jd, count(DISTINCT p) AS memberCount
match (club:Club)-[:Has_Member]->(p:Person)
with p.joinDate as jd, count(p) as dailyClubCount
with collect(jd) as dates, collect({date: jd, count: dailyClubCount}) as dailyStats
order by dates
unwind dates as date
return date,
reduce(s=0,i in [x in dailyStats where x.date<=date|x.count] | s + i) as `Running Count`