I am trying to import an RDF file with my ontology (produced with protegé) exported in Turle format. I have tried to import the content or file using various commands like:
- CALL n10s.rdf.import.inline("Turle", "", {})
- CALL n10s.rdf.import.inline("file:///Users/kailashdejesushornig/Desktop/D_MBP_OLD2/DAT475_Ad_Databases/Assignment_4/Assignment_2.ttl", "Turtle")
- CALL n10s.rdf.import.inline("file:///Users/kailashdejesushornig/Desktop/D_MBP_OLD2/DAT475_Ad_Databases/Assignment_4/Assignment_2.ttl", "TriG", {})
But none seem to work. Either I get an "Unrecognized serialization format:" with the call nr 1., or I get "Namespace prefix 'file' used but not defined [line 1]" for calls like 2.3.
I have also tried with;
4. CALL apoc.import.rdf("file:///Users/kailashdejesushornig/Desktop/D_MBP_OLD2/DAT475_Ad_Databases/Assignment_4/Assignment_2.ttl", "Turtle") --> but this results in Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound, which I have tried to troubleshoot as well with restarting, checking compatibility, and so on. But without success.
Can anyone help me, primarily with the "Namespace prefix 'file' used but not defined [line 1]" error?