New to neo4j here. I'm running the Windows 10 desktop application, version 1.2.5. A collaborator has sent me a neo4j database directory as what appears to be a copy of the directory itself. The 'data' directory contains two subdirectories, 'databases' and 'dbms'. Inside 'databases' is the 'graph.db' directory which contains a number of files with extensions such as .db, .id, .labels, etc.
So I'm trying to figure out how to import this data into neo4j desktop. I've tried a naive approach of creating a graph under a new project, then moving the 'data' folder to the database directory that gets created (before starting the database). That doesn't seem to be working. When I try to start up the database, I get a popup 'Password has been changed' and when I try to enter the password I used when creating the graph via the desktop I get 'Failed - not a valid password.'
Not sure how to proceed. Is there a different way I should be importing the data? Is there potentially a password already in the database that was shared with me that I need to track down?