Importing old Neo4J DB (Graph.DB) from Community Client to Desktop


using Neo4J on a Windows11 system with the Neo4J Desktop works fine with new databases.
I need to import an old Neo4J DB from a community version 3.2.7. I tried two approaches:

  1. Import database to Neo4j Desktop - #10 by devonjs (seeing last post from Minty) - after deleting the .id files I can access the DB but there is no content, its empty

  2. How to import a GrapheneDB database into Neo4j Desktop - Knowledge Base
    This leads to a crash of the Neo4J desktop with no chanche to read logs or anything, only deleting the DB helps.

Maybe someone has a hint how to make this old DB accessible in Neo4J Desktop - or if thats not possible a link wher eI can find an old Neo4J Community driver for 3.27 for Windows?

Thanks a lot

Hello @marcus.sternberg ,

One solution would be to install the APOC plugin that is compatible with the version of the database that you have.

You can look here:

Using APOC, you can run this code to create the Cypher for creating the database:

CALL apoc.export.cypher.all(null,{streamStatements:true,batchSize:100}) YIELD cypherStatements RETURN cypherStatements

Then place these cypherStatements in a file. And run this

cat genCypher.cyp | ./cypher-shell -u neo4j -p >> cypher.out


Hello Elaine,

thank you very much for sending help. I just feel very dumb now, speaking frankly I have no idea what to do... (blush).

Do I need to install APOC in the new database I create in Neo4J Desktop and where I want to import the old database? I have not worked with APOC, where would I enter the code line you mentioned?
Is there a chance that you write this for a 5-year old one? I would appreciate this very much :)

In order to do this, you need to have the database server for the old database. You need to install the APOC library jar file in the directory for the old database. Can you start the database server for the old database?
This jar file should work for your version of Neo4j:

Then you place it in your $NEO4J_HOME/plugins folder.
