Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer error

So I'm following the instructions for "Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer" of the course "Importing CSV Data into Neo4j". Although the import is successful and I get the number of nodes and relations correctly, I get an error when clicking on "Check database":


Unexpected token '<', "<!DOCTYPE "... is not valid JSON

I already double checked the names of the labels, properties and types of the properties, and I don't know what else to check or fix to be able to continue with the course.

Any help is welcome and appreciated!

I had the same problem too

I had the same problem too, it looks like the API call when checking database returned internal server error:

Sorry for this inconvenience. The sandboxes used for our courses have been upgraded to Neo4j 5.4 which caused some problems with this course.

We have updated the course and it should work for you.

Thank you! It worked!

Thank you! Now it works perfectly

I'm facing a similar problem for page It seems that the page javascript is falling because after loading the check database, the toogle sandbox and toogle help dont work.

I tried different browser and different devices and the problem is the same

Your help is appreciated