Error in "Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer"

At the Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer challenge,
I imported CSV files and
the Cypher statement Run Import Checklist at Step 11/12 seemed to be OK as below.

:`Movie`.tmdbId Long,✅,[Long],-
:`Movie`.imdbId Long,✅,[Long],-
:`Movie`.poster String,✅,[String],-
:`Movie`.url String,✅,[String],-
:`Person`.tmdbId Long,✅,[Long],-
:`Person`.imdbId Long,✅,[Long],-
:`Person`.poster String,✅,[String],-
:`Person`.url String,✅,[String],-
:`Movie`.revenue Long,✅,[Long],-
:`Movie`.budget Long,✅,[Long],-
:`RATED`.rating Long,✅,[Long],-

However, when I come back to Graph Academy page and run "validate results",
it reported as below:

  • No rows returned by verification Cypher

Could you advise what could be wrong?

Today I ran the import job same as yesterday, and ran "Check Database".
Now it was accepted.

I don't know why, but I would close this case.
Thank you,

I'm sorry about that, there must have been some gremlins in the system. I'm glad you got it to work in the end.

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