Error - CHALLENGE Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer

As others have experienced, I am unable to "CHECK DATABASE" after the CHALLENGE
Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer. Note that I verified my connection in the browser challenge matches the one in the Workspace

It is unclear how to correct the 4 remaining errors I am seeing listed. Could someone please advise?

  • Expected :Person.tmdbId data type to be Long but was (null)
  • Expected :Person.imdbId data type to be Long but was (null)
  • Expected :Person.poster data type to be String but was (null)
  • Expected :Person.url data type to be String but was (null)

When I look at the datatypes, there is nothing that indicates null data types.
CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties()

Does anyone have suggestions?

can you post the link to the question?

Hi @glilienfield - here's the link.

And just in case, I used the provided solution mapping file to import data and then executed the following:


Here's the exact error box:

I followed the instructions and did not receive an error. Maybe you did not edit the property names in the data importer. If you read the instructions, there are spreadsheet column names that are prefixed with 'person_'. You are instructed to remove the prefix. The columns do correspond to the four Person properties listed in the error message. There were also other columns in other tables that had prefixes to remove.

My explanation would make sense, as the values they are looking for in the importer would be interrupted as null since they do not exists.

The solution was to this one was a bit tricky (or obvious :pensive:). It required ONLY loading the data from available files into the correct Nodes and Relationships.

The solution seems very sensitive to the included properties and data type. Doing this manually is a good exercise but is prone to error. The sure fire way to make it work is:

  • Upload the 5 provided files in the Importer.
  • Upload the provided solution mapping file using the Open Model menu item.
  • Click the Import button.

After that, DO NOTHING ELSE. Check the database and it should pass.

My mistake was executing a bunch of Cypher to make the model look like the final refactored version. This material is covered in the following section, however, and I should have kept it simple.

Thanks @glilienfield for taking a look! I appreciate your contribution and effort.


Yeah, the verification for this lesson will be pretty sensitive. It assumes that you've started with an empty database (we reset it for you when you load the lesson on graphacademy) and that you have followed the instructions in each step.

I'm glad you managed to complete the lesson though, thank you for your perseverance!