I downloaded ChEBI.owl from:
curl -O https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chebi/ontology/chebi.owl
Then I used neosemantics jar from neo4j-labs neosemantics/releases github page for neo4j 5.20.0.
to import it into neo4j. I started it as 'neo4j start' on Windows 11 in command prompt. It seems to successfully import the file with
CALL n10s.rdf.import.fetch("file:///C:/.../chebi.owl", "RDF/XML");
but the relationships that I see imported seem missing/incorrect. The ChEBI ontology can be inspected here:
What I see for instance is that there are no :ChEBI node labels (or others that are supposed to be there), no :has_role relationships. I asked ChEBI website support regarding that and they say that they do have all the relationships in the .owl file and I do see them in the .owl file when I directly inspect it. So, I suspect its smth wrong with the neosemantics jar itself/neo4j. Are there any other ways besides neosemantics jar that I could use to import the .owl into neo4j database? What could be going wrong here?