How to use Neovis.js to show my propety of points and relationships?

Here i want to use neovis.js to show the points and relationships. But if i use

				labels: {
					person: {
						// caption: "node_id",
						label: "node_id",
						// "size":"points",
						// value: "node_id",
						// group: "community"
						// group: "node_id"
				relationships: {
					// label:"roles"

				initialCypher: "MATCH (n:person)-[r]->(m:person) RETURN n,r,m"

			viz = new NeoVis.default(config);


i can't get the name of relationships. Just get a line across two points.

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try "type" instead of "label" for relationships (AKO inconsistency).
Also have a look to my older posts, e.g. Neovis_simplified
Perhaps helps: