Hi Michael,
I changed my queries to incorporate the labels. Here are a few query examples -
'Match (cabinet_2:Organization) where cabinet_2.name ="cabinet_2" and cabinet_2.company="cateina" Create (privileges_2: Department{name:\'privileges_2\',company:\'cateina\'}), (cabinet_2)-[:Department]->(privileges_2)' ,
'Match (disconnectcab:Method) where disconnectcab.name ="disconnectcab" and disconnectcab.company="cateina" Create (input:Request{name:\'input\',company:\'cateina\'}), (disconnectcab)-[:Request]->(input) ',
'Create (lockbyuser_2:Parameter{name:\'lockbyuser_2\',company:\'cateina\'}), (cabinet_2)-[:Parameter]->(lockbyuser_2) ',
'Match (cabinet_2:Parameter) where cabinet_2.name ="cabinet_2" and cabinet_2.company="cateina" Create (loginuserrights_2:Parameter{name:\'loginuserrights_2\',company:\'cateina\'}), (cabinet_2)-[:Parameter]->(loginuserrights_2) ',
And then i ran this query ->
CALL algo.labelPropagation(null,null,'OUTGOING',{write:true, partitionProperty:'partition', weightProperty:'count'})
And i configured my neovis.js as -
var config = {
container_id: "viz",
server_url: "bolt://localhost:11001/",
server_user: "neo4j",
server_password: "Virtuallib1",
labels: {
//"Character": "name",
"Organization": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Parameter": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Department": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"sizeCypher": "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) = {id} MATCH (n)-[r]-() RETURN sum(r.weight) AS c"
"Request": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"Response": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"Paths": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"API": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"System": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"Service": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"Operation": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
"Method": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": "name",
"size": "pagerank",
"community": "community",
relationships: {
"Parameter": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"Method": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "Blue",
"Request": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"Response": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"Paths": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"API": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"Department": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
"System": {
"thickness": "weight",
"caption": true,
"community": "partition",
cluster_labels: {
"Parameter": "partition"
initial_cypher:cypherQuery ,
arrows: true,
this.viz = new NeoVis.default(config);
However, i get the same color for all the labels. Like -
But i want different color for every label. Please help