I can execute in apoc statement in the browser, but haven't found examples on how to use it in the python code with botl driver library installed.
For example, I put this into a test_apoc.py file:
call apoc.bolt.load("","match(p:Person {name:{name}}) return p", {name:'Michael'})
CALL apoc.export.csv.all("movies.csv", {})
My PyCharm editor displays both 'call' and 'CALL' as unresolved reference variables. How to configure the APOC library with the driver api to work?
Plugin is already in the plugin folder.
ls plugins/
README.txt apoc-
Also, in this link:
It says:
By default exporting to the file system is disabled. We can enable it by setting the following property in `apoc.conf` :
So should I create a 'apoc.conf' and put it in the same fold as conf/neo4j.conf?