How to handle 3 or more labels in neomodel

I've got a Neo4J database where a node can have multiple labels.

As a toy example, imagine these nodes:

CREATE (a:Parent {name: "Foo"}), (b:Child1:Parent {name: "Bar"}), (c:Child2:Parent {name:"Baz"}), (d:Blue:Child1:Parent {name:"Boz"}), (e:Orange:Child1:Parent {name:"Qwe"}), (f:Blue:Child2:Parent {name:"Asd"}), (g:Orange:Child2:Parent {name: "Zxc"})

In neomodel I can define the following classes:

class Parent(StructuredNode):
    name = StringProperty()

class Child1(Parent):

class Child2(Parent):

Using this I can do things like:


and get a result

But if I do Child1.nodes.allI() I get the following error:

neomodel.exceptions.NodeClassNotDefined: Node with labels Parent,Blue,Child1 does not resolve to any of the known objects
Parent --> <class '__main__.Parent'>
Parent,Child1 --> <class '__main__.Child1'>
Parent,Child2 --> <class '__main__.Child2'>

How do I create a class that can handle the fact that the Blue label can apply to nodes with several different labels?

Seems it's not supported; raised feature request here: Handling multiple labels where class inheritance is not appropriate · Issue #737 · neo4j-contrib/neomodel · GitHub