I looked at other libs like neovis and I don't understand why we can't use THE EMBEDDED LIB IN NEO4J BROWSER (see screenshot below) since the browser code seems open source , does anyone ever tried to extract it ?
The Neo4j Browser visualization component has been around since the original Browser was written in Coffeescript. :) It has been transpiled back into javascript. You are correct that all the code is there with the rest of Browser.
Unfortunately, I think the trouble is untangling it from the Browser context. It wasn't conceived or built to be used on its own. Particularly, the interactivity makes assumptions that would have to be updated or adapted for use in another context. When we've looked at it before, it seemed better to take the opposite approach of starting with a standalone visualization that is then placed into Browser.
After all this time, it's still my favorite visualization of small graphs.
What are you hoping to do with the graph library?
Probably better to use one of these:
We had the browser viz extracted once ago here in 2014 (see also the surrounding files)
There are some efforts underway to have a standalone viz library, but no timeline yet.
" I think the trouble is untangling it from the Browser context. It wasn't conceived or built to be used on its own" did anyone try ? is it really hopeless ? because I tried the other actual option (included neovis) and it's really not good, lib from the browser is great though
Apologies to the Neo4j Browser developer team! The visualization has been updated to Typescript and React. That should make it easier to integrate in a different context.
Take a look here: neo4j-browser/src/neo4j-arc/graph-visualization/GraphVisualizer at master · neo4j/neo4j-browser · GitHub