I'm using the free version of Neo4j Desktop Enterprise. I'm upgrading from 5.3.0 to 5.12.0 to try out the new vector indexing. So far it has been upgrading for 1.5 hours. The upgrade does say "Currently upgrading, this may take a while to finish." But 1.5 hours seems like a really long time. I'd like to have a more specific estimate of the time it would take to upgrade. I'm worried that something might be going wrong, and I'll end up waiting for 5 hours only to have it fail in the end, and then I'll have to try something else. I'd rather not waste the time waiting if that's the case, so I want to know "how long should I wait until I stop the upgrade and try something else?"
Hello @bamalburg and welcome to the Neo4j community
That's weird, did you check the logs of the database? (debug.log)
Do you have a large database?
Best regards,
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Hi @cobra, thanks for the response - I didn't check the logs and the database is less than 1GB, but in the end I just cancelled the upgrade, made a new empty database, upgraded that one, then loaded my data into it.