Upgrading database from 5.12.0 to 5.14.0

I have the desktop 1.6.0 and my databases are in 5.12.0. I am trying to upgrade the databases to 5.14.0 so I can install and use the Neosemantics plugin. I tried updating the example Movie DBMS database that has 169 nodes and 250 relationships. Whenever I try and upgrade it, it just gets stuck on the loading screen saying it will take some time. I left it sitting over night and it still won't upgrade. I made a new database at 5.14.0 and that test database worked but I want to be able to upgrade the database locally. I have also tried upgrading to 5.20.0 but that doesn't work either. How do I upgrade these databases?

I'm still trying to find a solution for this. Is this a bug?

I didn't have your specific versions, but I just tested upgrading a movie database instance from 5.15.0 to 5.23.0, and it completed in under a minute. Is there anything in the log files of interest?

There is no log files being created in the upgrade-logs folder nor is there any files in the backups. There is also no changes that occur any of the logs files such as the neo4j.log or the debug.log.