Help me.. i Can't connect remote connection from neo4j

I use Windows 10, neo4j desktop version 1.5.8 as a free version. There is a neo4j remote connection that I was using previously. I tried to connect to the db through the desktop to create additional nodes and create relationships, but the connection is not available. All members of the team using the same db cannot be connected, and even if they try to create a new remote connection, they are not created. The error that pops up at this time will be shown in the picture. How can i solve it? please. please help me..

Have you verified the remote database is up and running? Can you provide the desktop logs it is suggesting may be helpful?

Not sure if my understanding is correct. However, when I try to run the remote database from my desktop, I get the error shown in the picture. And I was using it in conjunction with Python, but when I run the code while connected to the db, it says that I can't connect to the db. New users cannot upload files. Upload only part of the log.

Since you are using a remote connection, I am assuming the database is running on a different machine than your machine, otherwise you could use a local connection. Have you verified that the database is running on the remote machine? Either directly or via a remote shell.

I was outputting the db I connected to via django. But the code that was running fine is not running. This is the information on the page that pops up. If you enter neo4j desktop directly, it will appear like the first picture shown.

I asked if it was checking on the remote system, but I don't quite understand. If you're asking if the db is running, I'm not sure. I'm new to dealing with db. I'm sorry I'm so ignorant

With that connection information, your database appears to be an running in Aura - Neo4j's cloud database service. You can log in to to see if your database is running, and if not, start it.

The error message in your Django ValueError message states that can not resolve. This leads meet think it DNS issue. I get the following when performing an nslookup on that address:

The DNS for that domain is resolving:

The remote connection I was trying to connect to was not opened by me. Should the team member who created the db check it?

I am really sorry. So what should I do to solve it? All of a sudden, all of the team members can't even create a remote connection including the corresponding db connection. Can everyone suddenly have the same problem?

The remote database is running in AuraDB. Free AuraDB databases will automatically suspend if they aren't used. You need to find out who created this database and ask them to go into the AuraDB console and start the database, or if they deleted it for some reason, you'll need to create another one.

That is consistent with what I described, as everyone would experience the same issue. It could be something else, but I would start here with the limited info I have. Do you have IT support that can begin investigating? Is this server physically accessible, or is it hosted offsite or by a provider?

It looks like the domain is hosted by GoDaddy, someone can call them to review your DNS to see if a record exists for this address or if there is DNS issue.

Thank you very much for your sincere reply. We will try to contact you as advised. thank you!

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