Full-text search of text array properties

Documentation here suggests that text array properties should be searchable via full-text search: https://neo4j.com/docs/cypher-manual/current/indexes-for-full-text-search/#administration-indexes-fulltext-search-text-array-properties

But in practice, I'm not seeing this work at all. If I change my string array to a concatenated string property, then the search works, but I can't get it working with a string array. Is the documentation incorrect, is this a bug, or am I missing something on my side?

CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("namesAliases", "aliasExample") YIELD node, score RETURN node.name, node.alias, score

Hi @ftrbreed - this is a new feature in Neo4j 5. In looking over my notes, you will need to recreate any text indexes that were created in v4 in order to take advantage of this capability. So - you need to be on Neo4j 5 and if your text index was created in v4, you'll need to recreate it.

That's totally it, thank you :slightly_smiling_face: DB upgrade is in progress