Fighting Fatal Coronavirus Using Knowledge Graph

(Image source: 新型冠状病毒不耐高温 还怕这个东西 ::: 六度网)

*Compiled and translated with the permission from the author. The original article was published at: by Zhi Zhang from *

China is facing an unprecedented epidemic, the Corona Virus. Various means of transportation have become a major way of virus transmission. During the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year), returning home to visit relatives and returning to work again had to take planes, trains, coaches, buses, subways, ships, taxis and other means of transportation, and it is inevitable that there are chances people may travel with carriers of the virus, who may or may not show symptoms. For normal residents, the best they can do to help winning the fight against this virus is to find out whether there was any possible contact with known petients, from published reports which indicated any public transportation those patients had been to.

Several open source projects have been built by volunteers to provice query tools for people to do self assessment. Epidemic Search is one of those initiatives which was developed to meet this urgent need. Here is the home page of Epidemic Search:

If you want to know if you'd ever been on a plane, train, subway, or somewhere with someone with the virus, just open to the link above and and enter a name of place(such as "Beijing", "Beijing, Wuhan", "Beijing, Wuhan, Shanghai", etc.), flight, train or even license plate. The first time it may take longer to launch so please be patient.

The graph above shows all known cases that are connected with the name.

If you enter "Beijing, Wuhan", the graph shows flight, train and vehicle license plate that have had confirmed cases between this two cities.

You can get even bigger graph by querying names of say 3 cities:

The source data is shared by in JSON format. Neo4j APOC procedure (called within Cypher ) was used to parse JSON data, and other procedures to extract content to create nodes, relationships and properties:

// Create index before loading data
call db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex("名称",["地点","飞机","火车", "地铁", "长途", "公交", "出租", "轮船", "场所"],["名称"]);

WITH "" AS url 
CALL apoc.load.json(url) YIELD value
// Create / merge Locaton and Vehicle nodes
with item, 
    ['飞机', '火车', '地铁', '长途', '公交', '出租', '轮船', '场所'][item.t_type-1] as type,
    ['航班', '车次', '线号', '车牌', '车牌', '车牌', '船次', '名称'][item.t_type-1] as no_name 
call apoc.merge.node([type], {}, 
        名称:item.t_no + case when item.t_no_sub='' then '' else ' ' + item.t_no_sub end,
    {}) yield node 
// Create start node
with item, node where item.t_pos_start<>''
merge (p1:地点 {名称:item.t_pos_start}) 
// Create end node
with item, node, p1 where item.t_pos_end<>'' and  item.t_pos_start<>item.t_pos_end 
merge (p2:地点 {名称:item.t_pos_end}) 
// Create relationships to connect Start and End nodes
merge (p1)-[r1:出发]->(node)-[r2:到达]->(p2)
return count(r2);

The graph model is very simple to understand, i.e. places that are connected by methods of transportation:

Now, to query this knowledge graph is just a matter of matching start and / or end nodes by their names, and traverse relationships in between using allShortestPaths.

To learn more about APOC procedures, please visit: Neo4j APOC Library - Developer Guides

To learn Cypher, the pattern matching language for graph, please visit: Cypher Query Language - Developer Guides

Special thanks to: who is one of the key Solution Partners of Neo4j in China. who provided case data.


This is awesome!

I just wish I could read Mandarin.

Amazing! Although I cannot read Mandarin, looks like a great utilization of graph.
Graph for good!

Hi this is good, I know to read mandarin and English, kindly share if there is any repo, so I can contribute some data or code?

This is interesting. i would like to use this with can we figure out if we can integrate it. i have a base schema something like below.

The idea is to be able to track where people were at a certain point in time and location posibly using geolocation data. this would probably hit privacy issues but if possible it would be possible to cluster the number of people in an area and identify potential impact of cross infection(?).

Hi Alex,

Sorry about the late response!

Yes there is a open source project for this: GitHub - wuhan2020/wuhan2020: 新型冠状病毒防疫信息收集平台

There is also a link in the article pointing to a source too.



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I checked your website, which is very comprehensive. If there are lolcation related data from other countries, it is definitely doable to combine graph with map.

In my case, the data model is very simply and it doesn't have Time and Location as seperate nodes. Instead, time and location are properties of relationship. It's mainly due to the data available.

I am glad you use Neo4j to store data. Let's connect and have further discusion on potentials.



Joshua. if you are on skype you can connect with me on Skype id - vignes_k.
We can have a call to understand how we can coorperate on this. Really interested in this.


How could we connect locations and time from smartphones?

Do you need help to improve the graph data model.

I think we could develop a real time app of tracking a warning zones...

I'd like to colaborate if it is possible.



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