Database not starting on Neo4J Desktop 1.5.8

I have checked and found no process running on the same port that by default the Movie DB requires when starting it after the installation of Neo4J desktop. Yet it does not start.
Yesterday I successfully installed the community edition and started the DB but I want to use the Desktop version of Ne04J.
No logs are getting generated either.

There are only 2 logs inside the database folder
neo4j.log - This is empty
neo4j-relate.log - This is not getting updated at all after a certain point however many times I try to start or stop the DB.

If you installed the community edition on your machine, could it be running in the background. You could try to connect using cypher-shell or a remote connection in desktop. To verify.

Spoton. The desktop version was looking for NEO4J_HOME env-variable which was pointing to the community version. Separating it out completely did the job.