I was working on community version and I switched to enterprise to test my cypher. I encountered a problem that does not occur on community version.
I am trying to create a relation which is conditional according to nodes.

My cypher is;
MATCH (u:User {identity: "user1"})
**WITH u**
**OPTIONAL MATCH (f:User {identity: "user2", private: TRUE})**
**MERGE (u)-\[req:CONNECTION\_REQUESTED\]->(f)**
**return req**
**WITH u**
**OPTIONAL MATCH (f:User {identity: "user2", private: FALSE})**
**MERGE (u)-\[con:CONNECTED\]->(f)**
**RETURN con**
RETURN req, con
One of the relation will be created and other one should be null. However none of the relations is null.

Can you help me to understand why non-created relation is not null? I am using 4.4.9-enterprise for testing.
Thank you
I got the following message when I executed your query with dummy data:
After adding the configuration option, I got a relationship for 'con' as you did. Notice that the id (identity) is negative. As such, this is not a real relationship. I could not find it in my db after executing the query. Do you?
The issue with using call subqueries that return values as you are doing, is that if one does not return a value the result of the outer query will also not return a value. This is guaranteed in your case since the conditions of each are mutually exclusive. I refactored the query using apoc.do.when instead. See if this works for you.
match (u:User {identity: "user1"})
match (f:User {identity: "user2"})
call apoc.do.when(
f.private = true,
with $f as f, $u as u
merge (u)-[r:CONNECTION_REQUESTED]->(f)
return r
with $f as f, $u as u
merge (u)-[r:CONNECTED]->(f)
return r
{u:u, f:f}
) yield value
return u, f, value.r
The above solution is fairly general, as you can do anything differently in the two queries. If you just are creating a relationship between the two nodes with different types, then the following does this and is simpler.
match (u:User {identity: "user1"})
match (f:User {identity: "user2"})
with u, f, case f.private when true then 'CONNECTION_REQUESTED' when false then 'CONNECTED' end as rel_type
CALL apoc.create.relationship(u, rel_type, {}, f) yield rel
return u, f, rel
Thank you for your time and solution. Using CREATE instead of MERGE also works. I was hoping a system parameter for quick fix :). I must review all cyphers and fix them one by one.