I don't have b:B or :AVAILABLE yet created, so it will give an error "Failed to create relationship UNNAMED81, node b is missing. If you prefer to simply ignore rows where a relationship node is missing, set 'cypher.lenient_create_relationship = true' in neo4j.conf"
I just ran the queries myself to see, and the problem is the MATCH (b:B).. query when those relationships don't exist. So the condition fails, hence nothing is returned even though node a is created.
First, since you have created the node a:A, do you really require that to be passed back?
If so, you might want to consider using CALL subquery to run the MATCH and CREATE. However this requires v4.1.0 of Neo4j since passing of variables from outer query was not supported before this.
Someone else may respond with a way around this, but I couldn't really find a different way of running the query to get the a:A node returned in this instance.
Try this: Modified PeteM code
WITH COALESCE(b) as b1, a
FOREACH(ignoreMe IN CASE WHEN b1 is not null THEN [1] ELSE [] END|
Hi! This works, only had to add with a
after the first line.
I notice that i was making a mistake, on my way of thinking this. By doing the match (b:B)-[:AVAILABLE]->(:A)
i was getting all AVAILABLE connections from all bs, i ended up doing match only on b