Myself and a small team of engineers are building a social platform leveraging neo4j around career development. We have a fair amount of the backend built out, but none of us have experience with building out graph databases. I am looking for someone with enterprise experience building out graph databases using neo4j to either partner with us, or to be a paid consultant. Social network experience is a plus.
There are 2 possibilities here for anyone interested:
Join the team: Ideally we are looking for someone to join our team to build out our platform. There is minimal effort, and once we are profitable, will be allocating shares and some sort of profit sharing to all team members.
Paid Consultant: Happy to pay someone with the right skills for a couple hours here and there to make sure we are on the right track, implementing best practices, deployment strategy (aws), etc.
Our current stack (GRANDstack):
- neo4j enterprise (startup license)
- kotlin graphql service
- React/TypeScript/Apollo graphQL client
Location: Remote
Link: (has not launched yet)
Contact Information: Reach out to me via linkedin: