Looking for Cypher/Neo4j dev that can consult on adding a graph db component to existing app

Hi! I'd like someone who can help design a graph model based on existing app and help strategize implementation. Basically, I have a deployed b2b app where the backend db is MySQL. Discovered Neo4j a few weeks ago and have been learning as fast as I can. I'd like to add a graph db component to empower aggregate queries but not sure the best approach. (For example, could a graph db (neo4j) be along side a live MySQL database utilizing jdbc apoc driver etc? ) I have questions!

The consultant should be able to

  1. Converse with me about strategy, possible integrations, etc
  2. Help design the graph schema once a strategy is chosen
  3. Write Cypher, review/advise/teach me Cypher techniques

These would largely be zoom sessions with me, payable as an hourly rate. I'd like to keep expenses in check, and I am not on a specific timeline/deadline so I can work on a very flexible schedule.

Please email me at leigh@qwirecast.com if you are interested! I can explain things in more detail once we connect. Thanks!!


Hi Martin, could we set up a time to zoom? What time zone are you in? I am PST.

thanks for the awesome information.