Connecting with Python gds.version()


I am a newbie, so apologies if this is naïve.

I accessed the page Connecting with Python - Neo4j Aura.

There is an option here to follow along on Google Colab.

So I run on Google Colab, but I'm getting the error 'unknown function gds.version()'

ps I know my login credentials are good because I successfully ran the Alice/David training here: - Connecting with Python - Neo4j Aura

Looks like you are trying to use the gds library, but it is unknown. Did you install the gds client for python?


I am a newbie too and my problem is similar, but the error that I get while attempting to connect to GDS from python is different ( ServiceUnavailable: Unable to retrieve routing information)

I suspect that this could be because of version mismatch:
neo4j Desktop:4.4.5
GDS library on neo4j desktop:2.0.3 (according to documentation I should install 2.2/2.3 but desktop automatically take 2.0.3 and i don't see any way to upgrade.
python version:3.10.4
python neo4j driver (neo4j.version): 5.7.0
graphdatascience.version: 1.6

Can someone help me upgrade the version of GDS library on neo4j desktop to 2.2/2.3? or point out other easy way of solving this?

Also if i try connecting with bolt_uri with no auraDS. the connection happens successfully but i get error while calling apoc.meta.stats()

ClientError: {code: Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound} {message: There is no procedure with the name apoc.meta.stats registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.}


Hello @ashish.k0643 :slight_smile:

Neo4j Desktop is different from Neo4j DBMS, Neo4j Desktop is a platform to manage multiple Neo4j DBMS.

If you are using Neo4j DBMS version 4.4.x then you need Python Neo4j driver version 4.4.x and GDS version 2.3.2.

If you are using Neo4j DBMS version 5.5.x then you need Python Neo4j driver version 5.5.x and GDS version 2.3.2.

The version of the Neo4j DBMS and the connector must have the same version.

Best regards,