Graph Data Science with Python Client

Hi Everyone.

My name is Emmanuel and I am getting started with Graphs. I find the graph data science solution very useful but I have been having issues connecting to a remote DB using python client, I get an error "CypherSyntaxError" . I have also tried alternatives such as using gds in browser but I get an error "There is no procedure with the name gds.graph.project registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed." Is this error due to the fact that I do not have an enterprise license key. Is this solution not available for personal use?

Hi Emmanuel

I think you're going to have to provide some code for us to see.



The latter error hints towards that the GDS plugin is not installed at the remote db.
See Installation - Neo4j Graph Data Science for more details on how to install the plugin.

But I would be curious about the CypherSyntaxError that you saw with the client

I was using Neo4j Browser not neo4j server. I have solved this problem by switching to a local DBMS on neo4j desktop instead of a remote one. Concerning the python error, here are screenshots.

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Glad you could solve your issue.

Thank you, I will bring it up to improve the error message in this case.
Just by chance, was the remote db an AuraDB? If yes, then you should look at AuraDS if you want to get GDS on Aura.

Thank you for your response. I don't quite know the difference between AuraDB and AuraDs, but i set the flag 'AuraDS' = True

@freelanceokeks in simple terms, AuraDB does not have GDS installed, while AuraDS has.

So you need an AuraDS instance to use GDS on Aura. Just setting AuraDS = True wont work if your instance is an AuraDB instance.