Connecting Neo4j server with Python (GDS_client) in Google Colab

I am trying to connect my Neo4j server with Python ( GDS_client) in Google Colab in the following ways:

host = "neo4j://<server_ip>:<port>"  #Also tried neo4j_url = "bolt://<my_neo4j_server_ip>:7687" and "bolt://<server_ip>:<port>
user = "neo4j"
password= "xxxxxx"

gds = GraphDataScience(host, auth=(user, password))

But I get the following error: UnableToConnectError: Unable to retrieve routing information
Please am I missing something?

I came across this link: Google Colab but they use Aura, which I am not using.
Does anyone has an example of a connection with the Neo4j server in Google colab, please?

Hi @Riri2022. Thanks for your question.

In order to help you troubleshoot. I have a few questions.

  • Which driver version are you using?

  • What server version are you connecting to?

You can also inspect the debug log to reveal the underlying issues.

Hi @alison.cossette
Driver versions 2.3.7
Server version 5.8.0