I installed recently neo4j browser
I typed "bolt://localhost:7687 as a connect URL", "neo4j" as user and "neo4j" as psw but I faced this error msg " Neo.ClientError.Security.Unauthorized: The client is unauthorized due to authentication failure." what should I do please
Yes. I have changed the password. But switched it back to old password. Now I get this error.
ERROR:neo4j:Failed to write data to connection IPv4Address(('', 7687)) (IPv4Address(('', 7687)))
How do I fix it ?
It seems like the people at neo4j do not want their product to be user friendly.
This solved the problem for me
same problem with me
How to solve this one
Neo4j Version?
Have any of the steps detailed at https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/authentication-authorization/password-and-user-recovery/#post-recovery been taken? Are you still encountering failure?