Connect to local database

How can I connect to local dbms in ? Is it possible? It will be very convenient. can connect to local dbms without a problem. I want to do the same with Neo4j Browser. allows urls only of form bolt+s* / neo4j+s* . It means encrypted connections, I suppose. Is there an easy way to start neo4j-admin server start which can handle encrypted connections? Or is there a Neo4j Browser hosted somewhere which doesn't require encrypted connections? I've tried changing url from https://... to http://.. but it switches back to encrypted. Please help. Below is :Debug output.

Encryption mismatch detected
When hosted on HTTPS Browser requires an encrypted connection (bolt+s:// or neo4j+s://) to neo4j. However when when it is hosted on HTTP some web browsers allow both encrypted and unencrypted connections, though it is not recommended.
Neo4j Browser is hosted on https, but only an unencrypted bolt connector was detected. To connect you will need to either:
Configure SSL on the bolt connector
Switch to running browser over HTTP

Take a look at this blog post to see how to do this

Thank you for your response. Looks like this blog post doesn't provide info on how to connect to local database. It is about Workspace which requires registration and sending your personal data. Since Workspace from some point of time started to support insecure connections, I really do hope you guys will add this possibility to as well.