Can't backup remote database using Neo4J

I'm trying to remotely back up my Neo4J database for already 2 days and nothing works.

I run

sudo neo4j-admin backup --backup-dir=backup --name=graph.db-backup --from= --timeout=50m

The files start to get saved and then simply erased after a while and there's no backup.

I tried setting up --pagecache=16M and HEAP_SIZE but it has no effect. Sometime it just stalls sometimes I get an error like this:

unexpected error: Channel has been closed

The DB I'm backing up is Enterprise 3.3.3 and the one I'm backing up with is 3.5.14

Thank you for any help.

Is this the normal Neo4J behavior?

Hi @deemeetree resurrecting an old thread, but did you find out what was the core reason for your issues in the end?
Always useful to state a resolution for others who might end up stuck down the same hole. I'm currently attempting to backup 4.4 and migrate to 5.3.