Neo4j remote backup not possible (db not found or not running)


I am trying to run a remote backup command for my Neo4j cluster running on Neo4j 5.7. I have checked the connectivity and I can connect to the database with cypher-shell. When I try to run:

neo4j-admin database backup --from=<remote_host>:6362 --to-path=/var/lib/neo4j/backup/ db_name --include-metadata=all --verbose

I get the error that the db was not found or not running. How can it be possible? Port 6362 is reachable from the host that I am trying to perform the backup and also all the SSL certificates are in place. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks!

PS: The cluster is running on Kubernetes and also the backup job is running on Kubernetes on the same namespace. The backup job is not part of the cluster, but it can access the cluster and the databases with cypher-shell.