Cannot download Neo4j Desktop to macos

Unable to download neo4j for macos ventura. It redirect to Thanking page and loading activation key but never loading the key or download app.

I have disabled add blockers too. But still not downloading. I'm trying downloading from yesterday.


on said page it includes

Thanks for downloading Neo4j Desktop
Your download should begin automatically in a few seconds. If it doesn’t, Click one of the links : Windows • OSX • Linux
Recommended system requirements: MacOS 10.10 (Yosemite)+, Windows 8.1+ with Powershell 5.0+, Ubuntu 12.04+, Fedora 21, Debian 8.

and to which Windows hrefs to
OSX hrefs to
Linux hrefs to

if you drop said url in a browser does the download thus work?

Thank you for the reply. But the link for mac is not working. It gives as following.

But windows and linux links are working.

Finally it worked for me with moving to another browser. I tried with chrome but It worked with safari.

I am facing the same issue with MacOS download link, even trying on Safari browser returns me this:
NoSuchKey The specified key does not exist.neo4j-desktop/mac-offline/Neo4j Desktop-1.5.8.dmg402583YZ649DF2AKwKQnEeZp3wIqOwsY55BQ7ttcBD1GO2LDrR/rxxe8dowC7wtHJo9Dsin0BYjqZIF/4i7UJjLi7eo=

Any help would be appreciated.