Cannot connect to local DBMS with golang driver

I install Neo4j Desktop and it already have example project and db, when i try to connect from golang driver, it said ConnectivityError: Unable to retrieve routing table from localhost:7474: serv er responded with unsupported version 80.84 I have the latest version of golang driver v5 and latest version db 5.9.0, also face issue with 5.3.0 too,

happening for neo4j://localhost:port one but bolt:// one is working

happening with sandboxes too, can connect with desktop but not with golang

Hello, the 7474 port is for HTTP, not Bolt.
The usual default port for Bolt (which can be omitted) is 7687.
You can use neo4j://localhost to connect.
Does that help?

it worked, i thought i have to specifiy the port since it doesn't look like default port, thank you

If you specify the port, you need to specify the Bolt port (default: 7687), not the HTTP port (default: 7474). Drivers uses the Bolt protocol to "talk" to the server, not HTTP.