and the database shows up in the "data/databases" directory:
.../data/databases> ls
neo4j spoke store_lock system
Still, when I do "SHOW DATABASES" within a cypher shell, the database "spoke" doesn't appear:
neo4j@neo4j> SHOW DATABASES yield name;
| name |
| "neo4j" |
| "system" |
2 rows
Can you please suggest what needs to be done to work on the "spoke" database?
Note: The dump file was created using neo4j 5.6 so there shouldn't be any incompatibility issues (it has been successfully imported to a database on neo4j 5.6 desktop version).
If you are replacing an existing database, you have to shut
it down before running the command. If you are not replacing
an existing database, you must create the database (using
CREATE DATABASE against the system database) after the
load operation finishes.
HI @dana_canzano , I could finally get the new database created by adding " dbms.default_database=spoke in the conf/neo4j.conf file as suggested by some other online posts.
Thanks for the update. And yes if you are using Neo4j Community edition, which only supports a single database + system database, whereas Neo4j Enterprise editions allows for multiple databases then the actions you have taken are correct