I have imported a Shapefile.
Now I want to update the geometry and other properties of particular node(s).
How can I do this?
Thank you.
I have imported a Shapefile.
Now I want to update the geometry and other properties of particular node(s).
How can I do this?
Thank you.
I tried below code to create and update nodes
Create Layer
call spatial.addWKTLayer('geom', 'wkt')
Load ShapFile placed any where in your local machine or store in bin folder and give relative path. Make sure you have .dbf,.prj available along with .shp file
call spatial.importShapefileToLayer('geom',"D:\Neo4j\ApplicationData\neo4jDatabases\database-02341e23-fad3-478a-a96c-b2020042c6ae\installation-3.5.14\import\AFG_adm1.shp")
Create a Label and assign to the nodes . For an example i created Label as District
SET c:District
** Find the distance from the given point**
CALL spatial.withinDistance('geom',
{latitude: 68.21159362792997 , longitude: 36.58572769165045}, 4000) YIELD node as c, distance
RETURN c.NAME_1, distance