Call n10s.onto.import.fetch doesn't work for indirect ontology

I am using "call n10s.onto.import.fetch" to import the ontology which I generated from Protege. In that ontology file, I refer to some existing ontology files on the internet, as shown below.


I found that I can't import this indirect ontology with "call n10s.onto.import.fetch" function, can anybody help me?

Hi @fan_123 , thanks for your interest!

The n10s.*.import methods don't follow import links but you can do it with a couple of lines.

All you got to do is do a second pass with the* method that returns the triples in your RDF file, extract the subject, predicate, object where the predicate is owl:imports and for use the object as the URL for an n10s.onto.import.fetch request.

Here's how:

call'http://your.onto.with.imports',"RDF/XML") yield subject, predicate, object
where predicate = ""
with object as importedOntoUri
call n10s.onto.import.fetch(importedOntoUri,"RDF/XML") yield terminationStatus, triplesLoaded, extraInfo
return importedOntoUri, terminationStatus, triplesLoaded, extraInfo

I've tried it with your capabilityModel onto and I get this result:

│"importedOntoUri" │"terminationStatus"│"triplesLoaded"│"extraInfo"│
│""│"OK" │715 │"" │
│"" │"OK" │6 │"" │



PS: Note there are some HTTP redirection issues in some of the ontologies. gets redirected to causing a protocol mismatch exception.

Dear Jesus, thanks a lot! However, when I am using the function, I met this error


Make sure you pass to the n10s methods the url of the raw RDF (, not the pretty formated html version ( otherwise the parser will not be getting Turtle, but HTML.

The inline procedure takes RDF payload, not the url. The url is for the fetch procedures.