I've been happily using Bloom for ages but today I added a new node label to a local graph in Neo4J Desktop, tried adding the new label to the Perspective created in Bloom by default - and now can no longer use Bloom.
Using Neo4j Desktop 1.2.5, Bloom 1.2.1
- Create local db
- Open Bloom, accept default Perspective
- Add additional node label via Cypher
- In Bloom, add new Category (it appears but does not appear to be selectable - is not added to list - just appears as predictive text in add label dialogue)
- Restart database and Bloom - now Bloom shows flower animation then white screen with top menu bar.
- Bloom | Developer | Reload - same
Any advice? Where are Bloom Perspectives saved?
I've deleted C:\Users*****\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Desktop\Cache but can't find where relationships are saved - in case this is what is corrupted
And BTW where is the Bloom issues github now? It was good to be able to submit bugs and enhancement issues via github
UPDATE - copying database to another machine I was able to get Bloom working again and amend the Perspective to add the new Category. Would like to be able to fix original PC though.