Working of aggreagations with periodic iterate

Hey community ,

I am working with a cypher query as follows :

CALL apoc.load.csv("file:///temp/cms_data/cms_data.csv", {header:true, sep : '|', ignore:['label']}) YIELD map as row
MATCH (patent:PATENT {app_num : row.app_num})
CREATE (file:FILE_NODE {id :})
SET file +=, [], [])
CREATE (patent)-[:HAS_FILE]->(file)
WITH collect(file.document_code) as docs, count(file) as file_count,patent
SET up.added_files = file_count , up.added_docs = docs

now this works fine when the CSV is not as big as it can be.
So I wanted to use apoc.periodic.iterate for doing this stuff in batches.

Now here is my question :
The last node that I am creating i.e the UPDATE_META_CMS takes values by aggregating the details of files added to a specific PATENT node and then attaching this new UPDATE_META_CMS node, will this work fine as now the process is running in batches ?

NOTE : the CSV is made such that all the files related to a patent comes as a cluster i.e files related to a patent will come in succession i.e after the patent number changes no further files of the previous patent will come moving forward.
I don't think we can use this knowledge to enahance the process but if we can , then please do share it.


You could in the first query in apoc.periodic.iterate collect all the files for a patent and return the patent and collection of a patent’s files. Then in the update query, unwind the files and create the file nodes and other relationships. In this way, you will have all a patent’s files when processing the batch.

hey @glilienfield Can you please give a rough idea that how will the query look like ?

You can try this. Sorry, I don't have data to test it. I think you will be safe executing in parallel, since each patent is processed together and all a patent's files have been collected with the patent. Anyways, give it a try.

CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
    CALL apoc.load.csv('file:///temp/cms_data/cms_data.csv', 
    {header: true, sep: '|', ignore: ['label']}) YIELD map as row
    WITH row.app_num as patent_num, collect(, [], [])) as file_data
    MATCH (patent:PATENT {app_num: patent_num})
    RETURN patent, file_data
    forEach(row in file_data | 
        CREATE (file:FILE_NODE {id :})
        SET file = row
        CREATE (patent)-[:HAS_FILE]->(file)
    SET up.added_files = size(file_data) , up.added_docs = [i in file_data | i.document_code]
{batchSize:1000, parallel:true})

Hey @glilienfield I tested it out . It worked, thank you so much.


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You are welcome. An FYI, Your use of does not do anything, since both lists are empty. Calling it like this will return the original list, 'row' in your case.

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