Why Cypher doesn't support quote in property keys?

Why the Cypher doesn't support quotes in property key? For eg.

The following will throw an error:

CREATE (l:Label 
      'name': "Some Int'l name"

Invalid input ''': expected whitespace, comment, a property key name, '}', an identifier or UnsignedDecimalInteger

But following works:

CREATE (l:Label 
      name: "Some Int'l name"

I am concerned because I need to query with Cypher from some json request. How can we do that? Converting the quotes from dict keys only seems to be very much difficult process:

r = { 'name': "Some Int'l name" }
other_example = { 'foo': 'this contains foo', 'bar': 'this contains bar' }

How would you replace { 'name': "Some Int'l name" } with {name: "Some Int'l name" } from a docstring? The docstring even may contain double quote: {"name": "Some Int'l name"}.

surround it with backticks (on the kwyboard the tilde key) instead of double quotes.

Okay, I have managed to use entry manually rather than json object.