I am trying to create a virtual relationship in a composite database. Neo4j desktop version 5.13.0. But I constantly encounter the error "Can not create element id for node 9007199254740992. It is not supported to create element ids on composite databases." Any idea why is this happening?
I was able to re-produce the same error in 5.15. Investigating....
Sent it to apoc team for further investigation. In the meantime, found a workaround by also creating virtual nodes:
call {
use comp.movies
match (p:Person) return p, elementId(p) as idp limit 1
call {
use comp.demo
match (a:Paper) return a, elementId(a) as ida limit 1
with apoc.create.vNode(['Actor'],{name:p.name}) as start,
apoc.create.vNode(['Article'],{title:a.title}) as end
return start, end, apoc.create.vRelationship(start, 'WROTE',{},end)
To be continued. Hope this can be fixed and I will try to keep you posted.
Thank you so much for your response! It was really helpful. However, the next step in my composite database is to create a virtual relationship on the existing nodes of 2 different databases. I am still not sure how to develop that using apoc.create.vRelationship.
Could you help confirm if this is the case Neo4j is still investigating or is there a workaround?
We are still investigating. The only workaround I have found is the one posted earlier (creating vNode before creating vRelationship).
Understood, thank you so much for your patience! Request you to please keep me posted.