Hello, I've been working with APOC's vNode and vRelationships and not found a way to match on them after creation.
Here is some sample code I am using to create a virtual node with the label 'Apple'--
CALL apoc.create.vNode(['Apple'],{name:'apple123'}) yield node as apple
If I return apple
, I get what I should, the returned node (see image):
However, when I try to MATCH on this node:
CALL apoc.create.vNode(['Apple'],{name:'apple123'}) yield node as apple
return n
I get no results. I'm assuming this is because you cannot match on a vNode/vRelationship as they don't actually exist.
So-- is there a way to match on a vNode/vRelationship? I know I can just return it, but I want to do matches on my data with virtual nodes. Thank you!