I am trying to load a CSV on version 3.5.14 Enterprise. Here is my query.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///phuse_dx.csv' AS row
WITH row
WHERE row.`ns_phuse_dx.diag_cde` IS NOT NULL
MERGE (dx:Diagnosis {diagnosisCode: row.`ns_phuse_dx.diag_cde`})
I receive this error.
Executing queries that use periodic commit in an open transaction is not possible.
If I cut down my CSV and remove USING PERIODIC COMMIT, the statement works. If I use the full CSV and remove USING PERIODIC COMMIT, I get an out of memory error.
apoc.load.csv() is probably what you're after. I don't fully understand the internals, or if it's possible to initiate such a transaction with cypher, but USING PERIOD COMMIT only works with auto-commit transactions -
I was using Desktop version 1.2.3, Browser 4.0.3, and database 3.5.14 Enterprise. I updated to Desktop 1.2.4, but it doesn't seem to have solved the problem. My query works in the web-based browser, but not desktop.
I ran into this error in Neo4j Desktop. Switching to the web-based browser fixed it for my localhost instance of Neo4j. However, the Neo4j Aura instance fails with the error.
Hi, I'm a beginner and I'm not sure I understand the question. Following cypher query works in the desktop version 4.0.3. It doesn't work without ":auto" at the beginning of the query.
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///importUs5KAddresses.csv' as p
CREATE( n { ...})
Please try with limit USING PERIODIC COMMIT 1000 LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///phuse_dx.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE row.ns_phuse_dx.diag_cde IS NOT NULL MERGE (dx:Diagnosis {diagnosisCode: row.ns_phuse_dx.diag_cde})
Hi guys, I tried prefixing with the :auto command and the periodic commit works. Something like this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///MetObjects.csv" AS row
MATCH (p:Painting {id:row.`Object ID`})
WITH p, row.Medium as my_row_medium
MERGE (m:Medium {name:coalesce(my_row_medium,'Unavailable')})
WITH p, m
CREATE (p)-[:HAS_MEDIUM]->(m);