I'm trying to use an AuraDB (free) instance with my Gatsby website (to store data there in place of a local file or DB).
But I'm a bit lost on how to connect it.
I'm using the following module: neo4j-driver, gatsby-source-graphql
I created a basic js file neo4jConfig.js
const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver');
const driver = neo4j.driver(neo4jUri,
neo4j.auth.basic(neo4jUser, neo4jPassword));//these variables are hidden for obvious reasons
module.exports = driver;
File I use then in my gatsby-node.js
const neo4j = require('./neo4jConfig'); // Import the configuration file
const session = neo4j.session();
.run('MATCH (n:Node) RETURN n')
.then((result) => {
result.records.forEach((record) => {
const nodeData = record.get('n').properties;
console.log("DEALING WITH A NODE");
const node = { // added code stripped
So far I have at least a 403 error (I said at least because I don't know if the other errors are linked to it.
Any hints where I should look at? Or a gatsby/node module that could help?